Ultimate Health School (UHS) was founded 1999 by Ms Arangu Ngundam-Tomdio (currently serving as the CEO); with a strong core belief that UHS will become an incomparable institutional model when it comes both Nursing and Allied health education programs. This core belief has since become a reality as UHS expanded its programs from Nurse Aide to include Practical Nursing and Phlebotomy. These courses were introduced in the year 2002, 2006 and 2008 respectively. The addition of the new programs was underpinned by carefully researched and designed curricular by Nursing and Allied health experts, to meet both licensing and job market demands.
From the initial start of 20 students, UHS has over the last decade been averaging one hundred and fifty students per year and has graduated more than one thousand students from all programs- who have fulfilled the examination requirements of the various licensing/certification boards. This has been possible because of the commitment and dedication of our staff and faculty who bring in diverse skills and qualities that proved highly invaluable in bringing us this far.
Mission Statement
UHS is dedicated to providing top quality nursing education and allied health programs to those seeking health care related educational curricula. The vision is to provide a fully encompassed nursing degree programs and supportive allied health curricula by 2024. The allied health and nursing educational curricula are venues through which UHS graduates develop their skills in supporting this philosophy.
Our vision is to expand our campuses along the east coast and run fully approved and accredited advanced diploma and degree programs in both Nursing and Allied health that meets the future requirements of the ever changing Nursing and Allied health profession.
Ultimate Health School strongly believes and promotes Teamwork, Professionalism, dedication to duty and studies in both staff and students, as well as continuous improvement in all facets of our academic and business operations