Women Independence Scholarship Program
The Women’s Independence Scholarship Program (WISP) was created in 1999 to help formerly battered women overcome barriers to the education necessary for their becoming employable and financially stable. The primary intent is to help single mothers with young children who have the greatest financial challenges (childcare costs, etc.) to gain work skills so they can support their families. Our funds target women who are in desperate financial situations and absolutely must have both an education and our funds to assist them.
A woman who meets the following requirements is eligible to apply:
Survived intimate partner abuse & has been separated from their abuser a minimum of one year;
Is a citizen or legal resident of the United States;
Has applied to or is officially accepted into an accredited course of study at a United States institution;
Demonstrates a critical need for financial assistance;
Exhibits a strong desire and the ability to complete a training and/or academic program;
Has a definite plan to use the desired training to upgrade skills for career advancement, to train for a new career field, or to enter or reenter the job market; and
Has sought services from a non-profit, domestic violence agency for a minimum of 6 consecutive months, and this agency is willing act as sponsor by mentoring and providing support to the student throughout her educational experience.
The Ladies Board scholarship program was established in 1959 to award supplemental funds to worthy nursing students, and since that time it has awarded 920 scholarships, totaling $1,232,000. Criteria selection includes all of the following:
Residence or work in Loudoun County
Enrollment in an accredited school of nursing. If not currently enrolled in a school of
nursing, acceptance letter is required. -
Completion of 1 semester (9 credits) of nursing school or 30 undergraduate college
credits. Funds are not available for pre-clinical studies. -
Students must have a 3.0 cumulative average (or its equivalent). A transcript is required.
Health Occupations Students of America
Scholarships are available to either a senior secondary or postsecondary/collegiate HOSA
member who plans to continue or further his/her education in the healthcare field. All scholarship materials must be mailed together in one envelope including letters of
reference, transcript, photo, etc. Incomplete applications will not be considered. All applications must be typed, word-processed, or legible handwriting. All applications must be grammatically correct and complete for acceptance and review by HOSA. All applications are to be submitted by the student applicant and mailed directly to
HOSA—Future Health Professionals
548 Silicon Drive, Suite 101
Southlake, TX 76092
There is no limit to the number of applications per school or per state association. However, all applications must be RECEIVED no later than April 1 for consideration.
For more information: http://www.hosa.org
Virginia Health Care Association Scholarship
To be considered for a Mary Marshall Nursing Scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria:
Residency in Virginia for at least one year;
Acceptance or enrollment as a full time or part time student in school of nursing in the state of Virginia;
Demonstration of a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 in required courses, not electives;
A demonstration of financial need, verified by the Financial Aid Office/authorized person at the applicant’s nursing school; and
Have submitted a completed application form and an official grade transcript to The Office of Minority Health and Public Health Policy prior to June 30. If no college courses are attempted, an official high school transcript or equivalent must be submitted.
Soroptomist Women Opportunity Award
The Women’s Opportunity Awards program assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.In addition to providing the primary financial support for their families, eligible applicants must be enrolled in, or have been accepted to, a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program and must demonstrate financial need. Also, please note only residents of Soroptimist International of the Americas’ member countries and territories are eligible to apply for the educational grants. The Women’s Opportunity Awards program involves three levels of cash awards. The program begins at the local Soroptimist club-level, where award amounts vary. Local-level award recipients become eligible for region-level awards of either $3,000 or $5,000. Region-level award recipients then become eligible to receive one of three international-level awards of $10,000.
NursesLink.org Nursing Student Scholarships
NursesLink.org offers 2 different scholarship awards every year! Application deadline is July 31st for both scholarship awards.
$1,000 Nursing program Scholarship – This award is open to any student currently enrolled or planning to enroll in any undergraduate or certificate level nursing education program.
$500 College Student Scholarship – This opportunity is available to any student enrolling or currently enrolled in a NON- nursing college degree program, certificate course or graduate level education program.
Emerge Scholarships
The Emerge Scholarships Inc. (Emerge) scholarship program has awarded nearly a quarter of a million dollars in scholarships since its founding year, 2001. While each year hundreds of applicants apply for the scholarships, we are only able to recognize a small number of winners. The selection committee is focused on identifying special women – non-traditional students whose education was delayed or interrupted, individuals with a vision to succeed regardless of any obstacles that life has put in their way. This may include women who are returning to school after a hiatus, changing careers, seeking advancement in their career or work life, and stay-at-home moms entering the work place and in need of additional education/training. This scholarship is not intended for recent high school graduates or women who are eligible for or who have already received other significant financial aid.
National Leased Housing Association SCHOLARSHIPS (NLHA)
The NLHA Education Fund was established as a 501(c)(3) organization to raise funds for the purpose of awarding education grants and scholarships to low income individuals residing in federally assisted rental housing owned, managed, or administered by members of the National Leased Housing Association. The National Leased Housing Association (NLHA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the development and preservation of decent and safe affordable rental housing.The NLHA Education Fund will offer four types of scholarships, one in recognition of one of the nation’s largest affordable rental housing providers and three are in memory of three dedicated housing professionals and active NLHA members. All applications must be submitted electronically. Residents of privately owned federally assisted low income housing properties (Section 8, low income housing tax credits, etc.) or recipients of Section 8 voucher assistance that demonstrate both merit and need are eligible to apply.
There are a variety of sources that offer private scholarships that students can apply for. These scholarships are available year-round and come from various companies and organizations. It is recommended that all students conduct research to find and apply for these scholarships.
Applying for scholarships often requires submitting documents, participating in interviews, and writing essays. It can be a demanding process, so it is important to carefully review and meet the requirements for each scholarship. Additionally, it is crucial to be mindful of deadlines as they can be approached quickly.
The following list provides some examples of private scholarships from external sources. Please note that Ultimate Health School does not guarantee the availability of scholarships from these sites, nor do we have any involvement in selecting recipients. If you have any inquiries about a specific scholarship, please contact the respective private scholarship foundation.
Scholarship | A Nurse I Am
Virginia Department of Health
Nursing Scholarship Programs - Health Equity (virginia.gov)
VASN Scholarships & Grants - Virginia Association of School Nurses (nasn.org)
Nursing Scholarships & Grants | Johnson & Johnson Nursing (jnj.com)
2024 Online Scholarship Application Fact Sheet - FOREVER NURSING
Lydia's Sanctuary Scholarship
Nursing education can be expensive, and scholarships provide financial assistance that can help cover tuition fees, books, and other educational expenses. By applying for a scholarship, individuals can alleviate the financial burden associated with pursuing a nursing degree. This scholarship can potentially award up to $3,500.00 in tuition credit during the second term of enrollment. Below are the qualifications for Ultimate Health School scholarship opportunity:
Applicant's must be currently enrolled as a student
Applicant must have passing grades and comply with attendance policy (applicant must confirm with registrar)
Applicant must submit an essay on "What the opportunity for a scholarship would mean to me and the community I serve".
Applicant must obtain a Letter of Reference from faculty
Applicant must email all documentation to admissions@ultimatehealthschool.com at the end of Term 1, in order to be considered.
The Virginia Department of Health – Office of Health Equity (VDH-OHE) incentive programs offer scholarship opportunities to help pay for nursing education in exchange for one year of service in Virginia upon graduation. Scholarships are available for individuals seeking nursing licensure. The application cycle for The Virginia Mary Marshall Nursing Scholarship Program for LPN/RN's is now open until April 1, 2024.
MMNSP for LPN/RN’s Link: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/health-equity/nursing-scholarship-programs-lpn-rn/
Lydia's Sanctuary Tuition Discount.
Eligibility and Guidelines:
Eligible students are 1st time applicants and readmitted students. Readmitted students must receive financial counseling after they have satisfied the readmissions requirements. If a student does not remain an eligible student for at least 3 classes for the term they receive tuition discount benefit, the tuition benefit may be forfeited for the entire term and/or duration of the PN program. Tuition discount is allocated over 3 terms. At the time of forfeiture, the tuition discount may be reversed and become a balance due on the student account.
The tuition discount does not guarantee admission to Ultimate Health School. Students are to complete the specific admissions criteria before the first day of class.
Students must satisfy the $3,500.00 down payment.
Students must submit a household income of $80,000 and below.
If a student is not employed an income statement must be submitted.
2 most recent pay stubs or tax returns.
Click here to apply.